Tuesday, October 23, 2007

WHAT! did this place exist back then

"So you've been here your whole life. WOW! I didn't think people came out here twenty five years ago" LOL ;-)

That is pretty much the reaction most people I meet through work have when I tell them how long I've been here. On a corporate level it fascinates me that an outright majority of people I interact with have moved here within the past few years. But the funniest is when they talk about the good old days of late 90s. I just crack up and laugh when they think that was a long time ago and how they know how the 'real' Dubai was like loool.


rosh said...

hahahaha lol, this is funny :)

I hear you mate - 've been asked the same question and even strang-er, when they know I was raised in UAE - most have this perplexed look, like the place was inhabited or something, it's funny :)

I relate to this so much, that reading your post, I put up a similar post on my blog.

Seabee said...

I first came in 1977 and I also find it funny when the 'old days' are ten years ago!

KJ said...

Sad people really, they come for like 2-4 years and move on.

Anonymous said...

Oh yea tell me bout it...

Now a days it's more like... "how ever did u stand living in this place for so long... If I had a choice I'll run now!"


BuJ said...

It's sad but true!

Anonymous said...

You live a life time here and you leave at the end, as if you just arrived yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Mabrooks :-)
